Find activities, programs, and other resources for all ages, from toddlers to seniors. No matter your age, you can get involved!
All Seasons
There are a variety of opportunities to enjoy recreation in all year long! No matter the season, there is always something going on in the community.
Multiple Locations
Activities, programs, and other recreation resources are available across the region. From McAdam to Blacks Harbour, there are a variety of options for getting involved!
Not too sure what you’re searching for or can’t find something in your community? No problem! Take a look through the over 400 listings and filter your search to suits you or your family.
Type Title Areas hf:tax:season hf:tax:area hf:tax:age hf:tax:program_type Abbot Street Tot Lot St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen toddlers outdoor playground wellness map-location Adams Estate Promenade Campobello Island year-round campobello-island all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Adult Art Classes St. Andrews year-round st-andrews adults arts-culture learning visual-arts Adult Book Club St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults reading special-interest Adult Hockey St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen adults hockey sports Adult Tech St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults learning special-interest technology Adult Tennis Lessons St. Andrews summer st-andrews adults learning sports tennis After School Fun St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids after-school-program learning Aikido St. George year-round st-george teens fitness martial-arts Alexandria Park Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages baseball outdoor park sports wellness map-location Alexandria Park Algonquin Golf Course St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews adults golf golf-course sports map-location Algonquin Indoor and Outdoor pools St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages pool swimming venue-type sports Anchorage beach Anchorage Provincial Park Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages cycling hiking outdoor park special-interest wellness sports map-location Aqua Jog St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen all-ages fitness Aqua stretch St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen all-ages fitness Aquafit St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen all-ages fitness Army Cadets St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen teens cadets special-interest Arts Group for Seniors St. Andrews year-round st-andrews seniors arts-culture learning visual-arts Babies in the Library St. Stephen spring summer st-stephen infants learning play-based-learning Back Bay Harbour Badminton St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults kids teens badminton sports Beaver Harbour Veterans Memorial Field Beaver Harbour autumn spring summer beaver-harbour all-ages baseball sport-field sports map-location Beginner Swim Lessons Grand Manan summer grand-manan toddlers learning sports swimming Beginner to Intermediate Yoga St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults fitness yoga Belding Reef Nature Preserve Fundy Shores fundy-shores photography trail trail-running arts-culture map-location sports Belding’s Reef Nature Preserve Chance Harbour year-round chance-harbour all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Bernie’s Body Blast Bernie’s Body Blast St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages fitness various-fitness BHS After School Program Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour kids after-school-program learning Big Brothers Big Sisters Back Bay, Regional, St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen year-round back-bay regional st-andrews st-george st-stephen adults kids teens mentoring wellness Big Brothers Big Sisters – Charlotte County St. George year-round st-george all-ages mentoring wellness Bingo St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages bingo get-social Bingo McAdam year-round mcadam adults bingo get-social Bingo at Grand Manan curling club Grand Manan year-round grand-manan adults bingo get-social Bingo at Harvey Lions Club Harvey year-round harvey all-ages bingo get-social Board and Card Games St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults teens card-games get-social Boulderwalk Trail McAdam autumn spring summer mcadam all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Boxing Classes St. Stephen st-stephen adults boxing-kickboxing fitness Boy Scouts of Canada St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids outdoor scouting Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte County St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids learning play-based-learning Bridge Club St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages card-games get-social Brookside Golf Course Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages golf golf-course sports map-location Camping fundy, Fundy Shores fundy fundy-shores camping outdoor Campobello Public Library arts-culture learning library venue-type Campobello Public Library Campobello Island year-round campobello-island all-ages learning library reading special-interest venue-type Canal Beach Canal Beach and boat launch St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages beach boating outdoor sports swimming map-location Canoeing, Kayak and Tubing St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages canoeing-kayaking outdoor Cardio/Strength Fitness Class St. George st-george adults fitness Castalia Ball Diamond/Herb McCauley Memorial Field Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Castalia Marsh Trail Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Castalia Park Beach Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Catharine Pendrel Lakeside Trail Harvey year-round harvey hiking outdoor Caughey-Taylor Nature Preserve Chamcook year-round chamcook all-ages fitness hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Caughey-Taylor Nature Trails Chamcook year-round chamcook all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Centennial Park St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages fitness hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Charlotte County Activity Centre St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages mental-health wellness Charlotte County Activity Centre St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages mental-health wellness Charlotte County Archives/Charlotte County Historical Society St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages history special-interest Charlotte County ATV Club #39 Back Bay, Bayside, Lepreau, Maces Bay, Pennfield, Regional, St. George autumn spring summer year-round back-bay bayside lepreau maces-bay pennfield regional st-george adults seniors teens atving get-social outdoor Charlotte County Minor Hockey Association Regional autumn winter regional kids teens hockey sports Charlotte County Multicultural Association St. George, St. Stephen year-round st-george st-stephen all-ages get-social Charlotte County Snow Cruisers Club #74 St. George winter st-george adults get-social snowmobiling sports Charlotte County Tie-Dye Run/Walk St. George st-george all-ages Charlotte United Soccer Club St. George spring summer st-george kids soccer sports Chess Club St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids board-games get-social Children’s Book Club St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids reading special-interest Children’s Morning Program McAdam summer mcadam kids learning play-based-learning Chittick beach and Barnaby Head Trail Lepreau year-round lepreau all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Chocolate Park Circuit Training Fitness Classes St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults seniors circuit-training fitness Clark Gregory Nature Preserve Deer Island year-round deer-island all-ages fitness hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Community Garden Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages gardening outdoor Community Living Centre St. George year-round st-george all-ages intellectual-developmental-disabilities wellness Community Weight Room McAdam year-round mcadam adults seniors teens fitness weight-training Competitive Cheer St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids cheerleading sports Competitive Cheer Elite St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids teens toddlers cheerleading sports Connors Bros. Nature Preserve at Pea Point Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages fitness hiking park wellness outdoor map-location Crib Tournaments McAdam year-round mcadam all-ages card-games get-social Cricket Cove Fine Handknits and Yarns Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour adults arts-culture fibre-arts Cub Scouts St. Andrews year-round st-andrews kids outdoor scouting Curling Grand Manan winter grand-manan all-ages curling sports Curling St. George autumn spring winter st-george adults curling sports Curling – Industrial League St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults curling sports Curling – Monday Night Mixed St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults curling sports Dance Class – Tap, Lyrical or Hip Hop St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen teens arts-culture dance learning Dance Fitness McAdam autumn spring winter mcadam all-ages arts-culture dance fitness Dark Harbour Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location David Alison Ganong Chocolate Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages playground map-location David Alison Ganong Chocolate Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Day Adventure center Deep Cove Beach Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Dodgeball McAdam spring mcadam kids sports Dover Hill Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Dr. A.M.A. McLean Memorial Ball Field Blacks Harbour autumn spring summer blacks-harbour all-ages baseball sport-field sports map-location Drop-In Tennis for Adults St. Stephen summer st-stephen adults sports tennis Dunn Beach Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Eagle Hill Bog Nature trail Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Eagles Nest Picnic Area St. George year-round st-george all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Earth Art and Sound- Outdoor Adventure Program charlotte county, Rollingdam, St. Stephen spring charlotte-county rollingdam st-stephen children-6-11 learning outdoor play-based-learning East Branch Musquash Beach Fundy Shores fundy-shores beach cycling photography running trail walking map-location sports arts-culture fitness Elm Street Nature Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages hiking outdoor park snowshoeing-crosscountryskiing wellness map-location Elm Street Nature Park Trails St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages hiking outdoor trail map-location Elm Street Tot Lot Playground St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen infants kids toddlers outdoor playground map-location Engineering Camp Blacks Harbour, St. Stephen summer blacks-harbour st-stephen teens camps-pd-day learning Experienced Swim Lessons Grand Manan summer grand-manan kids learning sports swimming Family Resource Center Programming St. Stephen year-round st-stephen family wellness Five Fathom Hole Trail Fundy Shores spring summer fundy-shores hiking trail walking outdoor map-location fitness Flag Football (4 & 5) St. Stephen autumn st-stephen kids football sports Flock of Sheep Trail Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Friar’s Bay Beach Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Frog Pond Fundy Shores fundy-shores hockey skating sports Fundy Bay 50+ Club Maces Bay year-round maces-bay seniors get-social Fundy Lifestyle Solutions Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour adults fitness recreation-centre venue-type Fundy Minor Baseball Fundy Minor Baseball Fundy Minor Baseball St. George autumn spring summer st-george kids basketball sports Fundy Minor Football St. Stephen autumn st-stephen kids teens football sports Fundy Shores Community Playground Fundy Shores fundy-shores playground map-location Fundy Shores Field Fundy Shores fundy-shores soccer sport-field sports map-location Fundy Tides – Pennfield Seniors Club Pennfield year-round pennfield seniors get-social Ganong Chocolate museum Ganong Nature Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Ganong Nature Park Garcelon Civic Centre St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages fitness hockey pool recreation-centre rink skating swimming various-fitness walking sports venue-type Garcelon Fitness Center St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages fitness weight-training Genealogy Society, New Brunswick Charlotte Branch St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults genealogy special-interest Girl Guides of Canada St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids outdoor scouting Girl Guides of Canada (Sparks and Brownies) St. George year-round st-george kids outdoor scouting Grand Manan Boys and Girls Club Grand Manan year-round grand-manan kids teens get-social learning play-based-learning Grand Manan Community Center Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages community-center hockey recreation-centre rink skating sports various-fitness venue-type fitness grand manan community school Grand Manan Island, Rotary Club Grand Manan year-round grand-manan seniors get-social Grand Manan Minor Hockey Grand Manan autumn winter grand-manan kids teens hockey sports Grand Manan Minor Hockey Association Grand Manan autumn winter grand-manan kids teens hockey sports Grand Manan Museum Granite Town Gardeners Club St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages gardening get-social outdoor Granite Town Gardeners Club St. George year-round st-george seniors get-social Graphic Novel & Book Club St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages reading special-interest Great Barriers Buster Swim Program St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids teens toddlers learning sports swimming Guided Hiking Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages hiking outdoor Gymnastics Half Day Camp Grand Manan spring grand-manan kids gymnastics sports Hackmatack Trail Racing St. George year-round st-george adults sports trail-running Harry Mallory Sport Field St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages baseball outdoor soccer sport-field sports map-location Harvey Curling Club Harvey year-round harvey all-ages curling sports Harvey Lake Beach and Boat Launch Harvey year-round harvey boating canoeing-kayaking fishing outdoor swimming water-sports sports Harvey Memorial Community Centre Harvey year-round harvey all-ages hockey recreation-centre rink skating sports venue-type Harvey Public Library Hatha Yoga Harvey year-round harvey adults fitness yoga Heritage and Historical Club Harvey year-round harvey all-ages history special-interest Heritage River Program – St. Croix River Regional autumn spring summer regional family canoeing-kayaking fitness outdoor trail map-location Herring Cove Beach Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Herring Cove Golf Course Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages golf golf-course sports map-location Herring Cove Provincial Park Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Herring Cove Trail Campobello Island year-round campobello-island all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location High School Dance Class – Tap, Lyrical or Hip Hop St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen teens dance learning arts-culture Highland Dancing St. Andrews fall spring winter st-andrews kids teens dance arts-culture Horseback Riding St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages horseback-riding outdoor Huntsman Fundy Discovery Aquarium Huntsman Marine Science Centre | Fundy Discovery Aquarium St. Andrews year-round st-andrews family learning play-based-learning Ice Rink Fundy Shores fundy-shores baseball hockey rink tennis sports venue-type Indian Point Park St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Indoor Swim Team St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids sports swimming Indoor Swimming – Drop in St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages sports swimming Indoor Walking Track McAdam year-round mcadam all-ages fitness walking Indoor Youth Soccer St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids soccer sports Introduction to Basketball- All communities Bayside, Chamcook, Lepreau, Maces Bay, McAdam, Oak Bay, Pennfield, Regional, St. Stephen spring bayside chamcook lepreau maces-bay mcadam oak-bay pennfield regional st-stephen kids basketball sports John E. “Jake” Donahue Memorial Park St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Jr. Leader in Training Summer Camp – Middle School Blacks Harbour, St. Stephen summer blacks-harbour st-stephen kids camps-pd-day learning Junior Dance Class – Tap, Lyrical or Hip Hop St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids arts-culture dance learning Junior Golf Clinic St. Stephen summer st-stephen kids golf sports Katrina’s Dance Works St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids arts-culture dance Katy’s Cove Saltwater Beach and Playground St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Kennedy Inn Kids Art Classes arts-culture learning visual-arts Kids Martial Arts Program St. Stephen spring st-stephen kids teens fitness martial-arts Kingsbrae Garden Summer Camp St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids camps-pd-day gardening learning outdoor Kiwanis Centennial Skateboard Park St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages park skateboarding sports wellness map-location Knitting Circle St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages arts-culture fibre-arts Knitting Classes Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages arts-culture fibre-arts learning Kristin Brown School of Highland Dance charlotte county, St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen charlotte-county st-andrews st-george st-stephen kids dance arts-culture Lacrosse McAdam spring summer mcadam kids teens lacrosse sports Ladies Auxiliary Club McAdam year-round mcadam seniors get-social Ladies Golf Clinic St. Stephen spring st-stephen adults golf sports Lake George Family campground Beach Harvey autumn spring summer harvey all-ages beach boating canoeing-kayaking outdoor sports swimming map-location Leaders in Training Summer Camp Blacks Harbour, St. Stephen summer blacks-harbour st-stephen teens camps-pd-day learning Learn-to-skate program St. Stephen winter st-stephen kids teens learning skating sports Legion Darts McAdam year-round mcadam adults seniors darts get-social Lego Club St. Andrews year-round st-andrews kids get-social Lepreau Falls Fundy Shores fundy-shores photography scouting arts-culture outdoor Lions Club – Harvey Harvey year-round harvey all-ages get-social Lions Club – McAdam McAdam year-round mcadam adults get-social Lions Club – Pennfield Pennfield year-round pennfield all-ages get-social Little Treble Makers Piano Lessons St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids arts-culture learning music Live Music Coffee House St. Stephen spring winter st-stephen adults all-ages seniors arts-culture music performing-arts Loyal Tides Music Collective St. Stephen spring winter st-stephen adults all-ages seniors teens arts-culture music performing-arts Magaguadavic Place St. George year-round st-george all-ages get-social recreation-centre venue-type Main Street Park Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location March Break Day Camp at the Huntsman Marine St. Andrews spring st-andrews kids learning Market Warf Marsh Beach Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Marsh Trail St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages family cycling outdoor trail trail-running walking sports map-location fitness McAdam Nature Trail McAdam year-round mcadam all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location McAdam Public Library McAdam year-round mcadam all-ages learning library reading special-interest venue-type McDougall Lake McGeachy (FAN) Fields at St. Stephen High School St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Me N’ You Play Park Fundy Shores fundy-shores playground map-location Memorial Park Men’s Hockey Recreational League St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen adults hockey sports Menzies Point, Musquash Estuary Fundy Shores fundy-shores hiking photography trail walking outdoor arts-culture map-location fitness Mill Brook Park Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Mill Cove Beach Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages canoeing-kayaking outdoor sports swimming Milltown Ball field and Soccer Pitch St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages baseball outdoor soccer sport-field sports map-location Milltown Cotton Mill Workers Memorial Park St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages outdoor park wellness map-location Milltown Tennis Courts St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages outdoor sport-field sports tennis map-location Mini’s Dance Class – Tap, Lyrical or Hip Hop St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids arts-culture dance learning Minister’s Island St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages canoeing-kayaking cycling fitness hiking outdoor park wellness sports map-location Minor Baseball St. Stephen spring summer st-stephen kids baseball sports Minor Football, Boys and Girls Ages 4 to under 17 St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen kids teens football sports Minor Hockey Regional autumn winter regional kids hockey sports Minor Hockey – St. Stephen St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen kids hockey sports Mommy and Me Dance St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen toddlers arts-culture dance learning Moms and Tots Play Time McAdam year-round mcadam infants get-social Monday Adult Fitness Classes St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults seniors fitness Moores Mills Lake canoe and Kayak access Moores Mills moores-mills canoeing-kayaking outdoor Multicultural Association of Charlotte County St. George, St. Stephen year-round st-george st-stephen all-ages get-social Music and Art Therapy camps (Autism) St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids arts-culture camps-pd-day intellectual-developmental-disabilities learning music wellness Musquash ATV Club #38 Fundy Shores fundy-shores atving outdoor Musquash Estuary Lookout Fundy Shores fundy-shores trail walking map-location fitness Musquash Recreation Center Fundy Shores fundy-shores get-social Natures Backpack- Land-Based Learning and Wellness charlotte county charlotte-county kids teens outdoor play-based-learning learning Net Point Trail Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location New River Beach Provincial Park Lepreau autumn spring summer lepreau all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location New River Beach Provincial Park Fundy Shores fundy-shores beach playground map-location New River Beach trail Lepreau autumn spring summer lepreau all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location New River Beach Walking Trail Fundy Shores fundy-shores trail walking map-location fitness Non-parented Swim Lessons – Pre-School St. Stephen year-round st-stephen toddlers sports swimming North Head Campground and Park Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor park wellness map-location North Head Trail (Formerly Hole-in-the-wall) Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location O’Keefe Field and Playground McAdam autumn spring summer mcadam all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Oak Bay Beach Oak Bay autumn spring summer oak-bay all-ages beach boating fitness hiking outdoor sports swimming map-location Outdoor Track Walking McAdam year-round mcadam seniors fitness walking Pagan Point Nature Preserve St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages fitness hiking outdoor park wellness map-location Parade of Picnics for Seniors St. Andrews summer st-andrews seniors get-social Parented Swim Lessons – Duck St. Stephen year-round st-stephen toddlers learning sports swimming Parented Swim Lessons – Sea Turtle St. Stephen year-round st-stephen toddlers learning sports swimming Parented Swim Lessons – Star Fish St. Stephen year-round st-stephen infants learning sports swimming Patrick Connors Recreation Complex Blacks Harbour, Eastern Charlotte autumn winter blacks-harbour eastern-charlotte all-ages hockey recreation-centre rink skating sports venue-type Pennfield Picinic Park Pete’s Pond Fundy Shores fundy-shores hockey skating sports Piano Lessons for Teens & Adults St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults teens arts-culture learning music Pick-up Hockey Blacks Harbour autumn winter blacks-harbour adults hockey sports Pickleball Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages pickleball sports Pilates St. George st-george adults fitness pilates PIP Ball Diamond at St. Stephen Middle School St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Playground and Fields at Milltown Elementary School St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Playground and Fields at St. George Elementary School St. George year-round st-george all-ages playground soccer sports wellness map-location Playground at Back Bay Elementary School Back Bay, St. George autumn spring winter back-bay st-george all-ages outdoor playground wellness map-location Playground at Blacks Harbour School Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Playground at Canal Beach St. George autumn spring summer st-george family kids outdoor playground map-location Playground at Harvey Elementary School Harvey year-round harvey kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Playground at McAdam Elementary School McAdam year-round mcadam kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Playground at White Head Elementary School White Head Island year-round white-head-island kids outdoor playground map-location Playground Campobello Island Consolidated School Campobello Island year-round campobello-island kids teens basketball soccer sport-field sports map-location Playground- Magaguadavic Place St. George year-round st-george all-ages family kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Poets Circle St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults teens arts-culture writing Prep/Novice Cheer St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen kids cheerleading sports Public Picnic Area Fundy Shores fundy-shores Public Tennis Courts St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages outdoor sport-field sports tennis map-location Puny Human St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages board-games card-games get-social Racoon Beach Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Results 360 Fitness & Wellness St. George year-round st-george adults fitness recreation-centre venue-type River Trail-St. George St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages family cycling hiking outdoor running trail trail-running wellness sports map-location Rock of Gibraltar Trail Campobello Island year-round campobello-island all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Rod Wilson Field at St. Stephen Elementary School St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Roosevelt Campobello International Park Roosevelt Campobello International Park Campobello Island autumn spring summer campobello-island all-ages outdoor park special-interest wellness map-location Rope Repurposing Workshop St. Andrews year-round st-andrews teens arts-culture fibre-arts learning Ross Memorial Library St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages arts-culture learning library venue-type Ross Memorial Library St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages learning library reading special-interest venue-type Rotary Ball Diamond and Sport Field St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Royal Canadian Legion – Blacks Harbour No. 39 Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages get-social legion venue-type Royal Canadian Legion – Campobello Island Branch No. 83 Campobello Island year-round campobello-island all-ages get-social legion venue-type Royal Canadian Legion – Grand Manan Branch No. 44 Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages Royal Canadian Legion – Passamaquoddy No. 8 St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages get-social legion venue-type Royal Canadian Legion – St. George Branch No. 40 St. George year-round st-george all-ages get-social legion venue-type Royal Canadian Legion – McAdam Branch No. 7 McAdam year-round mcadam all-ages get-social legion venue-type Rug Hooking St. Andrews year-round st-andrews adults arts-culture fibre-arts Rugby Regional spring summer regional adults rugby sports Sail St Andrews St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages learning outdoor sailing Saint Andrews Community Adventure Playground St. Andrews year-round st-andrews kids outdoor playground wellness map-location Saint Andrews Community Garden St. Andrews fall spring summer st-andrews seniors gardening outdoor Salmon Falls Park Picnic Area St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages outdoor wellness SCAMPS: Summer Camp Art Mornings Project St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids arts-culture camps-pd-day learning visual-arts Science Camp Blacks Harbour, St. Stephen summer blacks-harbour st-stephen kids camps-pd-day learning Sea Cadets St. Andrews year-round st-andrews teens cadets special-interest Seal Cove Seaview Full Gospel Church Seniors Cards and Games St. Andrews year-round st-andrews seniors card-games get-social Seniors Exercise Class St. Andrews year-round st-andrews seniors fitness Seniors Monthly Hiking Club St. Andrews autumn st-andrews seniors fitness hiking outdoor Seniors Walking Club St. Andrews year-round st-andrews seniors fitness walking Simpson Hill Chamcook, St. Andrews year-round chamcook st-andrews all-ages outdoor trail map-location Simpson Hill Trail Bayside year-round bayside all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Skating Harvey winter harvey all-ages skating sports Small Ball Basketball-McAdam McAdam winter mcadam kids basketball sports Small Ball Program St. George spring st-george kids basketball learning sports Snowshoeing Harvey winter harvey all-ages outdoor snowshoeing-crosscountryskiing Soccer McAdam summer mcadam kids soccer sports Soccer and Ball Diamond at McAdam High School McAdam autumn spring summer mcadam all-ages baseball outdoor soccer sport-field sports map-location Soccer Field at Harvey High School Harvey autumn spring summer harvey all-ages outdoor soccer sport-field sports map-location Soccer Field at Sir James Dunn Academy St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages outdoor playground soccer sports map-location Soccer Field at Vincent Massey Elementary School St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages outdoor soccer sport-field sports map-location SOL Seasons of Life Wellness & Yoga St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults fitness yoga Spednic Park Provincial Park McAdam autumn spring summer mcadam all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Spindrifters Inc. year-round adults seniors get-social Splash Pad and Playground at Ganong Chocolate Park St. Stephen spring summer st-stephen kids outdoor playground splash-pad wellness map-location Sports Field at Campobello Island Consolidated School Campobello Island campobello-island all-ages football lacrosse outdoor rugby soccer sports Sports Field at Fundy High School St. George autumn spring winter st-george all-ages outdoor sport-field sports map-location Square Dancing St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages arts-culture dance St Croix Duplicate Bridge Club St. Andrews year-round st-andrews adults card-games get-social St George Curling Club St. George autumn winter st-george all-ages curling sports St. Andrews Film Society St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages arts-culture film get-social St. Andrews Garden Club St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages gardening get-social outdoor St. Andrews Kiwanis Club St. Andrews year-round st-andrews adults get-social St. Andrews Skate Park St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews all-ages park skateboarding sports wellness map-location St. Andrews Yacht Club St. Andrews autumn spring summer st-andrews adults boating get-social outdoor St. Andrews Youth Centre St. Andrews year-round st-andrews teens get-social St. Croix International Quilters Regional, St. Stephen year-round regional st-stephen adults seniors teens arts-culture fibre-arts get-social learning visual-arts St. Croix Island National Historical Site Bayside year-round bayside all-ages history outdoor park special-interest map-location St. Croix Public Library St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages learning library reading special-interest venue-type St. Croix Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club #67 St. Stephen winter st-stephen adults snowmobiling sports St. Croix Sportsman Club Inc. St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults outdoor shooting St. Croix Theater Company St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults seniors teens arts-culture performing-arts St. Croix Wellness & Renewal Centre St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages intellectual-developmental-disabilities wellness St. George Crushers St. George autumn spring winter st-george adults sports volleyball St. George Golf Course St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages golf golf-course sports map-location St. George Skate Park St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages park skateboarding sports wellness map-location St. Stephen 150 Committee St. Stephen Curling Club St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages curling sports St. Stephen Golf Club St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages golf golf-course sports map-location St. Stephen Horseshoe Pitchers Club St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen adults seniors horseshoes outdoor St. Stephen Minor Baseball St. Stephen Minor Hockey Association St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen kids hockey sports Stanley Beach Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages beach outdoor sports swimming map-location Stanley Beach Starlight Gymnastics Club Blacks Harbour, St. George, St. Stephen autumn spring winter blacks-harbour st-george st-stephen kids teens toddlers gymnastics sports Summer Reading Club St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids reading special-interest sunbury Shores arts and nature center Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages arts-culture fibre-arts photography visual-arts Sunlife Walking Track St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages fitness walking Swallowtail Lighthouse Trail Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Swim kids level 1 to 4 St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids learning sports swimming Swim kids level 5 to 10 St. Stephen year-round st-stephen kids learning sports swimming Swimming Lessons for Children with Special Needs St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen kids intellectual-developmental-disabilities sports swimming wellness Sydney Guptill Shooting Range Grand Manan year-round grand-manan adults outdoor shooting T-Ball McAdam summer mcadam kids sports t-ball Tabatha’s Comfort Quilts McAdam year-round mcadam adults arts-culture fibre-arts Tap & Ballet Combo St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen toddlers arts-culture dance learning Tap & ballet Combo St. Stephen autumn spring winter st-stephen toddlers arts-culture dance learning Tennis Court Grand Manan autumn spring summer grand-manan all-ages outdoor sport-field sports tennis map-location Tennis Court St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages outdoor sport-field sports tennis map-location The Coastal Link Trail Regional, St. Stephen autumn spring summer winter regional st-stephen all-ages cycling fitness hiking outdoor running trail trail-running walking wellness sports map-location The Social Gardeners St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen all-ages gardening get-social outdoor Thompson Ball Field St. George autumn spring summer st-george all-ages baseball outdoor sport-field sports map-location Town of Saint Andrews Town of St. George town of St. Stephen Trivia Night Harvey year-round harvey adults seniors teens get-social Trynors Field Area Fundy Shores fundy-shores baseball basketball hockey pickleball softball sport-field tennis sports map-location Tumble Tots Grand Manan spring grand-manan family gymnastics sports Tumbling Classes St. Stephen autumn winter st-stephen kids cheerleading sports Under 10 Boys/Girls Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen kids soccer sports Under 13 Boys/Girls Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen teens soccer sports Under 15 Boys/Girls Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen teens soccer sports Under 17 Boys/Girls Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen teens soccer sports Under 4/U-6 Coed Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen toddlers soccer sports Under 8 Boys/Girls Soccer St. Andrews, St. George, St. Stephen spring summer st-andrews st-george st-stephen kids soccer sports Valley Run Horse Center St. Stephen year-round st-stephen all-ages horseback-riding outdoor Van Horne Trail St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location Victoria Park Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages baseball outdoor park sports swimming map-location Victoria Park Victoria Park Swimming pool Grand Manan spring summer grand-manan all-ages pool sports swimming venue-type W.C. O’Neill Arena Complex and Theater St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages curling film hockey performing-arts pickleball recreation-centre rink skating sports arts-culture venue-type W.C. O’Neill Arena Complex and Theater St. Andrews year-round st-andrews all-ages curling hockey recreation-centre rink skating sports venue-type W.T. Booth Centennial Swimming Pool St. Stephen spring summer st-stephen all-ages pool sports swimming venue-type warriors McAdam year-round mcadam adults teens board-games get-social Warriors Den Youth Club McAdam year-round mcadam teens get-social Wellington Road Playground Blacks Harbour year-round blacks-harbour all-ages outdoor playground wellness map-location Welshpool Playground Campobello Island campobello-island kids playground map-location West Branch Musquash Beach Fundy Shores fundy-shores beach boating map-location outdoor Western Charlotte County ATV Club #58 St. Stephen autumn spring summer st-stephen adults atving get-social outdoor Whale Cove beach Whale to Whistle Lighthouse Trail Section Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages fitness hiking outdoor trail map-location White Head Island Outdoor Hockey Rink White Head Island winter white-head-island all-ages hockey rink skating sports venue-type White Rocks, Musquash Estuary Fundy Shores fundy-shores atving hiking photography trail trail-running various-fitness walking outdoor arts-culture map-location sports fitness Wild Wee Ones- Outdoor Adventure Program Wilderness Summer Day Camp charlotte county, St. Stephen summer charlotte-county st-stephen kids teens camps-pd-day learning outdoor Windsor Park Grand Manan year-round grand-manan all-ages baseball outdoor park wellness sports map-location Wine n/ Weave Workshop St. Andrews year-round st-andrews adults arts-culture fibre-arts learning YMCA of Greater Saint John Yoga McAdam autumn spring summer mcadam adults fitness yoga Yoga St. George st-george adults fitness yoga Yoga at Bernie’s Body Blast St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults fitness yoga Young Explorer Days St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids camps-pd-day learning Young Explorer Week St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids camps-pd-day learning Youth Balysto Youth Steel Orchestra Maces Bay year-round maces-bay kids arts-culture music Youth Basketball Back Bay, Beaver Harbour, Deer Island, Lepreau, Pennfield, St. Andrews, St. George spring summer back-bay beaver-harbour deer-island lepreau pennfield st-andrews st-george kids basketball sports Youth Centre Program St. Stephen year-round st-stephen teens get-social Youth Flag Rugby St. Stephen spring summer st-stephen kids rugby sports Youth Tennis Program St. Andrews summer st-andrews kids learning sports tennis Youth Volleyball St. George year-round st-george kids teens sports volleyball Zumba St. Stephen year-round st-stephen adults fitness zumba Zumba St. George st-george adults fitness zumba