The Belding Reef Nature Preserve consists of 5.7 hectares (14.01 acres) of rugged coastline along the Bay of Fundy, in the community of Chance Harbour. It contains valuable ecological features including reddish shale and sandstone cliffs, ledges, and reefs jutting into the ocean.
The preserve contains some rare and uncommon species like knotted pearlwort (Sagina nodosa ssp. Borealis) and Rand’s eyebright (Euphrasia randii).
One walking trail is found on the nature preserve, which leads through the woods until it meets the ocean and ends at the navigation light (formerly a lighthouse) at the end of the peninsula.
This nature preserve can be explored by way of an easy, 0.9 km (0.6 mi) hiking trail, which follows the rocky coastline to a navigational light, offering spectacular views of the Bay of Fundy along the way.
Parking for preserve visitors is available adjacent to the nearby Seaside Baptist Church. Look for the sign and safely park on the grassed lot behind the church.
The entrance to the preserve is just a short walk from the Baptist Church along the Chance Harbour Road. Walk along the Chance Harbour Road that dead ends at the private driveway that leads to the trail on the preserve. Look for the Nature Trust’s sign. If the chain is up, walk around the gate post and proceed on the driveway. The entrance to the preserve is just a short distance away.