Wilderness Adventure Summer Day Camp for ages 6-12
Camp is all about being outside and exploring the wild spaces and nature. We will embark each day on a journey exploring the natural world and sparking the innate curiosity to learn. Building on outdoor skills that include tracking, survival skills, journaling, playing games, bushcraft, plant ID, fire-building, learning songs and creating natural crafts. All the while establishing new friendships, connection to nature and confidence along the way and of course having fun the whole time.
Wilderness camps for teenagers 13-16
We will also be offering two weeks: July 25-29 and August 8-12. These camps will be an opportunity for teenagers to work together as a team or take a leadership role in wilderness skills and knowledge. The first two days will be learning skills to build a shelter , fire and other skills. They will be responsible for coming up with a two night sleep out in the wilderness and cook their own food over a fire. A packing list will be sent home with expectations. The cost for the Teenager camp is $350. An experience they will be talking about for years.
July – August 2022
Monday to Friday
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Location: 969 Route 760, Rollingdam